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Posts Tagged ‘roof maintenance’

Schedule Your Arvada Roofing Inspection Today

a frosty roof thaws in the sun

Regular inspections from skilled Arvada roofers can add years to the life of your roof! Your roof is strong enough to protect your home, but a little care and maintenance goes a long way toward keeping your roof in good shape. Along with cleaning and prompt repairs, a roof inspection is perhaps the most important…

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The Anatomy of a Residential Roof

a roof's trusses in Denver

Ever wondered what lies beneath your shingles? Let’s take a look! As a homeowner, and not a Denver residential roofing expert, chances are you aren’t familiar with all the ins and outs of your roof. And that’s perfectly okay! Even so, knowing the basic structure of your roof can be helpful for understanding your roofer…

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3 Signs of Roofing Issues to Watch for This Winter

icicles hanging from a roof

As all Littleton roofers and residents know, winter can be a tough season for your roof. From heavy snow accumulation to ice and high winds, the list of ways for your roof to sustain damage due to winter weather is very long. That makes winter an especially important time to stay vigilant and look for…

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Roof Maintenance Tips for Fall

a tree in fall next to a roof

Regular inspections are important for the longevity and condition of your roof. We put together a few roof maintenance tips for fall to help you with your roof maintenance this season. At CJ Roofing, we feel that proper roof maintenance is integral to making your roof last as long as possible. Throughout our roofing experience…

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Signs of Roof Damage: Everything You Need to Know

a damaged roof

Learn how to identify the signs of roof damage to quickly identify whether your roof needs repair. When your roof is damaged, it can expose your home to serious problems, from water damage to soaring energy bills. But what roof damage signs can you look for to see if it’s time for a roof repair…

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Hail Season In Colorado Is Here–Schedule Your Roofing Inspection Today!

Roofer does hail damage inspection on metal roof

Hail season in Colorado runs from mid-April through September, and typically causes a lot of damage to roofs! Don’t be caught by surprise, learn more about potential damage and how you can prevent it. As you might expect, roofing isn’t a year-round endeavor. It can be difficult to work on roofing projects during the cold…

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Ice Dam Prevention: How to Protect Your Roof

how to prevent ice dams

As temperatures drop and snow and ice begin to accumulate throughout the Front Range, ice dam prevention should be a key priority for property owners. Learn more about why this is so important for your roof. Here at CJ Roofing we often hear from those interested in learning how to prevent ice dams this time…

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Arvada Roofing: Prepare Your Roof For The Winter

Arvada Roofing: Prepping your house for the winter

At CJ Roofing, helping property owners care for and maintain their roofing systems is an essential part of our job. We not only aim to install superior roofing systems, but we are committed to ensuring our customers get the most out of their roofing investment in the long term. As leading Arvada roofing pros, we…

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What is a Drip Edge? And, Do You Need One on You Roof?

Do You Need a Drip Edge on a Roof?

When pricing out a roof replacement following a hail damage inspection, we always encourage property owners to consider adding drip edge. While this may be required by code in most areas, some roofing companies will not include drip edge in their initial quote and is an added element that you should ask to have included.…

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Your Guide to Commercial Roofing Products

Commercial Roofing Products

Comparing commercial roofing products? We’ve developed this helpful guide for you. As you’ve probably already discovered, there is certainly no shortage of options from which you can choose. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, we encourage you to first do your homework. Find out what kind of roof you currently have. Can it be repaired…

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